Deceased Estate Administration


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Deceased Estate Administration

Deceased estate administration is a complex process that involves validating all documentation, beneficiaries and creditors, etc.

Many people do not understand the steps involved in administering the estate of a deceased person. Therefore, our team of attorneys at Van Deventer and Van Deventer Incorporated offer deceased estate administration services to our clients, ensuring that the process gets completed as smoothly as possible.

Deceased Estate Administration Duties

When someone is appointed as the executor of the deceased estate by the Master of the High Court, the duties outlined in the Administration of Estates Act needs to be adhered to.

These duties may include:

  1. To determine the outstanding debts owed to creditors, and settle them as soon as possible.
  2. To determine what the assets of the deceased are, and these include furniture, stocks, cash etc.
  3. To determine what amounts are to be paid out to the beneficiaries as stipulated in the will.

Van Deventer and Van Deventer Incorporated - Deceased Estate Administrators

There are a number of other smaller issues that need to be dealt with during the deceased estate administration process. However, our attorneys have extensive knowledge when it comes to estate administration, thus making us well equipped to assist you and get the process completed as quickly and efficiently as possible.

If you need assistance with the administration of the estate of a deceased loved one, contact Van Deventer and Van Deventer Incorporated today.



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