Legal Articles


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Legal Articles

What a Landlord Cannot Do in South Africa: Tenants' Rights

Renting a property in South Africa comes with specific rights and responsibilities for both tenants and landlords. While landlords hold legal ownership of the property, there are limits to their authority.

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How Conveyancing Attorneys Build Trust & Ensure Integrity

In real estate transactions, trust is crucial, and the role of conveyancing attorneys is integral to ensuring the integrity of property deals.

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Is Sequestration the Right Solution for Your Financial Issues?

Financial struggles can be overwhelming, and many South Africans facing insurmountable debt often consider sequestration as a potential solution.

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Estate Administration Process in South Africa: A Step-by-Step Guide

The process of winding up a deceased estate in South Africa can be complex and time-consuming, but it is crucial to ensure that the deceased's assets are distributed according to the law and their wishes.

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How to Apply for Legal Separation in South Africa

In South Africa, the concept of legal separation is not as widely recognized or commonly pursued as divorce.

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Supplier Pricing Mistakes In-Store or Online: Consumer Rights

Mistakes in pricing, whether in-store or online, can lead to confusion and disputes between consumers and retailers.

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What to Do When Pulled Over or Stopped at a SAPS Roadblock

Being pulled over by the police or encountering a South African Police Service (SAPS) roadblock can be a daunting experience, especially if you are unsure of your rights and obligations.

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When Can a Landlord Withhold and Deduct From a Tenant’s Security Deposit?

In South Africa, the security deposit a tenant pays upon moving into a rental property serves as a form of financial security for the landlord.

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The Impact of AI on the South African Legal System and its Ethics

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into the legal systems worldwide has triggered both excitement and concern, particularly in South Africa.

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Rei Vindicatio: Reclaiming What’s Rightfully Yours

In South African law, the principle of rei vindicatio is a powerful legal remedy that allows an owner to reclaim possession of their property from someone who unlawfully possesses it.

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