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Posts Tagged 'attorneys Cape Town'

We are pleased to present below all posts tagged with 'attorneys Cape Town'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

What Is Arbitration And Mediation, And How Can It Help Me?

Disputes are an inevitable part of life and resolving them efficiently and amicably is crucial. Two common methods of alternative dispute resolution are arbitration and mediation.

The Law’s Attempt to Have an Upper Hand in GBV Cases

Despite having laws in place to discourage GBV and bring it under control, it is thought that the circumstances around it often make it difficult for the law to have an upper hand. Unrelenting, the legislature has made amendments to our law to curb GBV cases regardless.

The Legacy of Covid-19 - The Labour Court Speaks

The far-reaching impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which unfolded in early 2020, undoubtedly left an indelible mark on global affairs.

Damage to Goods in Transit - Who Pays the Bill?

When goods embark on a journey from one location to another, a multitude of risks emerges. Owners find themselves pondering whether their goods will reach their destination unscathed, contemplating scenarios involving theft or malfunction.

Owning an Exotic Pet – It’s Legal, but is it Ethical?

Laws and regulations regarding exotic pet ownership can vary by country or region, and different species may be considered exotic in different locations. Some animals may be considered exotic in one country, but not in another, depending on the native species of that area.

Medical Negligence in South Africa Explained

According to the law in South Africa, the injury suffered by a patient must be as a direct result of a medical practitioner’s action or inaction. In other words, when a medical practitioner deviates from standard procedure and damages occur to the patient, medical negligence is present.

Types of Worker's Compensation

There are several types of compensation that workers can claim from the Compensation Fund for following an accident at work or the discovery of a work-related disease.

In this article, our attorneys in South Africa briefly explain each of them for you.

75% of Black South Africans do not Have a Will

Not having a will can cause serious conflict between family members, and the unfortunate reality is that those closest to you are often the ones left behind with nothing to inherit. A recent study don by Sanlam shows that 75% of black South Africans do not have a will. But what exactly does this mean for the family?

Overruling of Roe v Wade – How Does This Affect Access to Abortion in South Africa?

On the 24th of June 2022, The United States Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade, declaring that the constitutional right to abortion no longer exists. The question is how this decision will impact abortion laws in other countries, including South Africa.

Patents, Trademarks & Copyrights - What Is The Difference?

Registering a right of title over a thing that one owns, comes with immense benefits. Not only does it bring certainty and security, it also presents a legally recognised premise upon which one can enforce their rights over that thing. 

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