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Injury on duty is something that can happen to anyone, regardless of the type of working environment. Thankfully, you can claim compensation for occupational injuries and diseases by following the correct injury on duty claims procedure.
Not having a will can cause serious conflict between family members, and the unfortunate reality is that those closest to you are often the ones left behind with nothing to inherit. A recent study don by Sanlam shows that 75% of black South Africans do not have a will. But what exactly does this mean for the family?
Registering a right of title over a thing that one owns, comes with immense benefits. Not only does it bring certainty and security, it also presents a legally recognised premise upon which one can enforce their rights over that thing.
A trademark is a mark used or proposed to be used by a person in relation to goods or services for the purpose of distinguishing the goods or services in relation to which the mark is used or proposed to be used from the same kind of goods or services connected in the course of trade with any other person.’
On 18 January 2022, the North Gauteng High Court delivered a ruling to the effect that the Department of Basic Education must publish the matric results of learners in the media as was the practice before. City Press and the Mail & Guardian reported that the Court, however, made it a point that the names and surnames of the learners must not be published.
It is during the festive season and holidays where law enforcement agencies are most visible on the roads. This is obviously because a lot of people are on the roads traveling to various holiday destinations.
As the December festive holiday spirit creeps in slowly, it is a hive of activity as the roads begin to get busier by the week. Usually, this phenomena peaks towards the final week just before the Christmas holiday, but due to the effects of the pandemic and people working from home, some people have found it convenient to travel earlier to avoid traffic congestion.
The South African Police Service (SAPS) is entrusted with obligations and responsibilities in terms of the South African Police Service Act 68 of 1995 (as amended) to, inter alia, “A member who is obliged to perform an official duty, shall, with due regard to his or her powers, duties and functions, perform such duty in a manner that is reasonable in the circumstances”, as per Section 13 (3) (a).
Mortgage bonds and the transfer of immovable property is a sophisticated area which requires both hands-on experience and knowledge to navigate and manoeuvre. There are a lot of highly technical and legal procedures that go into these processes and in the event that these are not adhered to, one’s title to ownership may fall short on such a high value transaction.
The ever-changing business environment saw the discontinuance of Close Corporations (CC) as necessary in order to adapt to the prevailing economic climate.
Since the coming into effect of the new Companies Act 71 of 2008 as amended (the Act), no new Close Corporations will be registered.
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