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Posts Tagged 'property attorneys in South Africa'

We are pleased to present below all posts tagged with 'property attorneys in South Africa'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Seller’s Rights When Selling a House – Claiming Interest on Delayed Transfers

It’s important to understand the seller’s rights when selling a house, especially when it comes to claiming interest on delayed transfers.

Body Corporate Reserve Funds – What You Need to Know

Bodies corporate are compelled to make provisions for reserve funds on an ongoing basis which fits into the long-term, obligatory maintenance requirements of the scheme.

Buying a House in South Africa – Offer to Purchase Conditions Part I

Putting in an offer to purchase is just one of the steps of the process when buying property in South Africa. However, there are certain offer to purchase conditions and pitfalls that buyers should be aware of. This article is part one of two, which discusses common pitfalls in offers to purchase in South Africa.

Festive Season's Greetings from Our Attorneys in South Africa

We are about to say goodbye to yet another year and, with it, another decade and we believe that in order to welcome in a successful new year, we must be grateful for the year that has passed.

Legal Implications of Selling after you Transfer Property to a Minor Child

If you are looking to transfer property to a minor child, it’s important to be informed about the challenges you might face should you want to sell the property after it has been transferred.

Deceased Estate Taxation on Income and Assets in South Africa

Just as we are liable to pay taxes on income, purchases and other transaction made throughout our lives, there are taxes for deceased estates too.

Cooling off period and sale agreements – Can I change my mind?

The cooling off period in the Consumer Protection Act may bring some serious, unwanted implications for estate agents selling property.

What tax benefits are property owners entitled to in South Africa?

Are there any tax benefits for property owners in South Africa? What do you need to know when declaring income from property investments to SARS?

Benefits of rent to buy property agreements in South Africa

Rent to buy is an attractive option for any person wanting to buy a property but who simply doesn’t have the necessary starting capital.

Cancelling an Offer to Purchase

Both the purchaser and the seller sign the agreement once the offer has been accepted. Once both parties have signed the OTP, it becomes a legally binding contract. This requires both parties to fulfil their individual responsibilities as specified in the agreement.

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