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Posts Tagged 'attorneys in Johannesburg'

We are pleased to present below all posts tagged with 'attorneys in Johannesburg'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Why "Blacklisting" is No Longer a Threat in South Africa

Traditionally, "blacklisting" referred to having a negative mark on your credit report, which could hinder your ability to borrow money or secure contracts. Historically, credit bureaus focused only on negative financial behaviors, such as missed payments or defaults. 

The NCT Finds Vodacom in Violation of CPA

The goal of the Consumer Protection Act was to put in place a legislative framework to regulate and promote fair practices in the provision of goods and services.

South African NHI – Where Do We Currently Stand?

The Department of Health in South Africa has received approval from the courts to proceed with the recruitment process for 44 specialist positions within the proposed National Healthcare Insurance (NHI) scheme, despite objections from trade union Solidarity.

The Role of Private Medical Schemes Once the NHI is Implemented

The implementation of the NHI in South Africa has had many South Africans concerned and one of the biggest questions that citizens are asking is what will happen to private medical care if and when the NHI is implemented.

A Deeper Look into National Health Insurance in South Africa

The National Health Insurance Bill was presented to Parliament in August 2019 and has since garnered significant attention from various stakeholders. The issue has been widely debated and discussed in the media and on social media platforms.

Introduction to National Health Insurance in South Africa

The NHI aims to pool funds to provide access to quality and affordable health services for all South Africans, regardless of their socio-economic status, based on their health needs. Under the NHI, the National Health Insurance Fund will be responsible for purchasing health care services for all registered users.

Can You Sue Eskom for Damages Caused by Load Shedding?

Although load shedding is not technically illegal, there is some recourse available to individuals or businesses that have suffered loss or damage due to load shedding. We discuss this matter in detail in this article.

Is Load Shedding Illegal? The Legalities Explained

Load shedding has become an unfortunate part of our daily lives in South Africa. While some make light of the situation and do their best to work around regular blackouts, others suffer serious loss because of it. The question is, however, can Eskom be sued for load shedding and, if so, what does it take to win the case against them?

Trusts in South Africa – a quick guide for how they should run

Not all people who find themselves having to deal with Trusts understand what it is all about, therefore in this brief discussion we will highlight the prominent issues that one has to familiarise themselves with in order to safeguard their interests when dealing with a Trust.

Signing on Behalf of a Trust – A Checklist

In terms of the Trust Property Control Act 57 of 1988 (the Act) the definition of a Trust can be paraphrased as, a design whereby a person’s ownership interest in assets is, by way of a trust instrument, put under the care, control and trust of other persons referred to as Trustees and/or beneficiaries, for the benefit of nominated beneficiaries.

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