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Divorcing a spouse who resides in another country can add layers of complexity to an already emotional process.
The finalization of a divorce is often perceived as the closing of one chapter and the commencement of a new, separate life for former spouses.
Divorces often take a long time to be finalised, especially when contested. This usually translates into a huge financial burden on the shoulders of the spouse with the lesser means. Rule 43 of the Uniform Rules (High Court) provides for interim relief pertaining to the challenge mentioned above, and others as provided in the rule.
The dissolution of marriage is one of the biggest decisions one can make in their lives. Due to the sometimes-grave consequences, divorce is one that the Courts do not take lightly and will only order upon evidence that a normal marriage relationship cannot be restored.
The best way to stay on top of things and keep control of the situation is to be prepared. It’s a great idea to meet with a divorce attorney to discuss your financial status.
It is possible for more than one person to have parental rights and responsibilities, even if the person is not a biological relation of the child.
In the case of one couple who were married in community of property, the wife (plaintiff) filed a claim for forfeiture of her husband’s (defendant) patrimonial benefits in terms of section 9(1) of the Divorce Act.
As a parent you and your partner both have rights and responsibilities regarding the parenting and raising of your children.
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